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Magazin Perron 1955

Magazin Perron 1961

Magasin Perron détruit par le feu en janvier 1970

Magazein Perron Freshmart 1970

Perron's Freshmart - 1453 Village Road


In 1955, le magasin Perron opened across the road from its original site. In January 1970, the store with its apartment and warehouse was lost to fire. With the help of workers and volunteers, it was rebuilt in less than three months. The store is now called Perron’s Freshmart and is operated by Denise and Gerry Beaupré.

Perron Freshmart - Terry and Lois
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Nouveau Magasin Perron - Germaine Perron
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Perron Freshmart - Germaine Perron
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Perron Freshmart - Ellie Horning and Sheigh-lynn Tran
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