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Lac Nosbonsing - Lake Nosbonsing by Jason Empey Opsculate

Lac Nosbonsing - Lake Nosbonsing by Jason Empey Opsculate

La pêche sur glâce - Ice fishing

Lac Nosbonsing du chemin Astorville - Lake Nosbonsing from Astorville Road

Paddle boarding 2014

Pat et Myriam Contant

Faire la motoneige - Snowmobiling

Lake Nosbonsing


At the bottom of the hill is a public access to Lake Nosbonsing. The lake is 12 kilometres long and its width varies with its many bays. The primary inflow of water comes into the lake at Depot Creek and its waters flow east into the Kaibuskong River towards the Mattawa River. The lake was vital to the lumber industry which drew settlers to this area.


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Lac Nosbosning - Noella Rancourt
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Lac Nosbosning - Terry et Lois Kelly
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Lac Nosbosning - Terry et Lois Kelly
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Lac Nosbosning - Raymond et Paulette Cantin
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Lac Nosbosning - Raymond et Paulette Cantin
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Lac Nosbosning - Ted and Claire Jones
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Lac Nosbosning - Noella Rancourt
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Lac Nosbonsing - Père Jean Paul Rochefort
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Lac Nosbonsing - Diane Tobler
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